Tips to better skin:

I personally have trouble with acne and bumps, so I thought I would share what I do to tame mine! These few tips might sound silly and simple, but they are essential if better skin is a goal that you have.

TIP 1:

Wash your face before putting on makeup (or in the morning) AND after you take makeup off (or at night before bed) If you do this consistently you will notice a change in your skin. If you haven’t been washing it recently, when it pulls all the dirt and oil out you will notice bumps. Don’t let that discourage you! I personally use the Clarisonic Mia. I LOVE it. I only use it when I am washing my face in the shower though.

TIP 2:

Take your makeup off at night! Sleeping in makeup could cause your skin to breakout and if you leave your makeup on it means you didn’t wash your face.

TIP 3:

Wear a face mask once a week. You can either buy a bottle of face mask from the Dollar Store for superrrr cheap, or you  can find a DIY recipe on Pinterest that includes items that you already have at home.

TIP 4:

Don’t put your hands on your face. I struggle with this personally because I keep my hands on my face constantly. Your hands have lots of dirt and oil on them which can be put onto your face causing bumps.


I hope this helped!